Le nouvel an de Florence, le 25 Marz
The New Year is usually celebrated around the world on January 1st. In Florence, though, we would celebrate the New Year on the 25th of March. Until 1749 the beginning of the New Year fell on the day of Christ's conception when the Arcangel Gabriel announced this to the Virgin Mary. Exactly nine months before the birth of Jesus.
It would be a great idea to celebrate the “Capodanno Fiorentino” with our guided tour. A licenced and expert tour guide will make you experience this historical tradition.
We will see the morning parade beginning at the Palagio di Parte Guelfa with the people dressed with costumes of the 1500 and carrying the flag with the emblem of Florence, a red lily on a white field, through the streets of the city.
The historical parade will end at the Church of SS. Annunziata to pay homage to a medieval fresco representing the Annunciation. According to the legend, the painter fell asleep having completed everything except for the face of the Madonna. When he woke up the miracle was done: the face of the Virgin Mary had been completed by an Angel.